
Global market volatility and the rise of challenger start-ups means you need to get your digital transformation right more than ever. Cloud offerings have matured and evolved, and adoption of a service-based technology solution enabling businesses to meet market demands has become the norm. However success relies heavily on a clear understanding of your business ambitions and targets while taking legacy technology and processes into account.

The Strategy component provides the complete framework for:


Define and develop a digital strategy based on your organisation’s level of maturity and existing investments in technology.

Investment and scope

Agree and define the scope and requirements of the proposed programme together with the full costs to implement and operate the solution and identify the business benefits.

Sourcing strategy

Ensure vendors are able to deliver against your service requirements. This includes end-to-end technical delivery management, software and hardware development, testing services, integration services and infrastructure and application support.

Sourcing and tendering

Source the right technology and partners (agnostic supplier, capability, experience and professional fit) to deliver against your digital strategy.

Board approval

To secure formal consent for the programme of work and secure the necessary funding, full detail on the Business case, financial accounting, scope confirmation, technical architecture, procurement, people and organisation impact, and risk management must be provided.


The logistics identify roles and responsibilities, including areas of collaboration for the Sponsor and main stakeholders against the key foundational activities.

The 'peacock' graphic showing then entire contents of the Cloud plug and playbook